Hub Member: Eldeg Lewis - DyLun10

20 August
Eldeg started DyLun10 to create English and Welsh designs, focusing on wedding stationery and cards. A few months later, COVID19 meant the company that was just starting had to veer into another direction, and quickly! With the help of the Enterprise Hub’s Miwtini programme and business advisor, Eldeg was able to diversify and continue in starting up her own business, ensuring an online presence and changing her target audience. Inspirational quotes have now become a focus, and a customer base is being built up, all during a time of crisis!
Eldeg was one of the first to set sail on the Miwtini programme, designed to help companies start up and start trading in just three months. Her company, DyLun10, creates and designs patterns in both English and Welsh, on a range of different products. The focus to begin with was on wedding stationary and cards, but can also include anything from notebooks to cushions. Miwtini allowed Eldeg to learn how to create a business plan, manage a financial forecast, crate a brand, and importantly – to meet and network with likeminded individuals who are sailing the choppy seas of a start-up company alongside her. No one needs to venture out alone!
Meetings were held with her business advisors for grant support, and Eldeg was in the process of setting up a website, when the COVID19 pandemic began.
Eldeg said “Very quickly, it was clear that things were changing. I completed the final Miwtini session online, and my new website was put on hold. Many weddings have also had to be put on hold and postponed, which was a large part of my clients. I’ll never forget how proud I was when I attended my first craft fair, and saw people taking an interest in my work and admiring it, but the upcoming fairs have all been cancelled.
So I’m taking positive steps. I’m working on some inspirational and positive quotes to help people through this time, which diversifies my audience. I’m also able to reach a wider audience by using Welsh language, something which is important to me, in order to create quotes which may feel a bit more personal to some. My advice to others wanting to start a business is to take that first step, and make the most of the help offered by the Enterprise Hub, it really is invaluable."
Sara, co-ordinator of the Hub, said “We were pleased to see Eldeg come on the first Miwtini programme, and really work hard on her business. Even though she is now facing challenging times, she is open to diversifying her business and that will be a real advantage. We continue to offer a business advisor, and online workshops, to help both Eldeg and other clients through this difficult time, and the resilience they are showing has been encouraging. We can’t wait to see what Eldeg does next.”
The Enterprise Hub is part funded by European Regional Development Funding through the Welsh Government.
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